Wednesday, July 28, 2010

There's a Nooth Grush on my Toothbrush

My little Emma loves to brush her teeth. She'll brush them while I brush mine, she'll brush when Ben brushes his, and she'll brush them all on her own. However, this is what happens when she brushed them herself and wanders around the apartment...

1 comment:

  1. Emma is SO adorable! I can't believe how long her hair is! Alyssa loves to brush her teeth too, but she usually just sucks the toothpaste off and then asks for "more toopase, more toopase, peas toopase, peas, peas toopase". Anyway, I love reading your blog :) I'm planning on coming out to visit you sometime this fall, so it will be so fun to see you guys and get Emma and Alyssa together!
